It is hard to say goodbye to your child when leaving them in a new place for a couple of hours for the first time. However the good news is that this feeling, classified as separation anxiety, is a normal part of development –especially among new preschoolers– and is nothing to be concerned about. Parents should not think that they are the only ones who experience this. Teachers understand that a new child will experience separation anxiety, and are prepared to help the new child in this transition.

Collaboration between teachers and parents is a good start. Open discussion between parents and teachers is important to discuss how they can help the child in overcoming this separation anxiety. It might also be a good idea for the parents to take a picture of the front of the school and if allowed, the teachers’ faces and the child’s new cubby, then show them to your child. Teachers will normally encourage parents to attend an open house with the child a few times before school starts. This step would help familiarize the child with the school. This way, the child is able to get to know the teachers and other students before the first day. However, once the child officially attends the daycare, it is better that the parents leave immediately once they drop off the child. Staying would only make the separation even more difficult for the child. Parents could also inform the teachers if the child has his stuff animal to cuddle with during quiet or nap time.

The following are a couple of tips that might help parents to simplify the transition:

Build Trust with Your Child.

Always be Supportive and Open to Any Changes.

Connect with the Other Parents from the Childcare

Lastly, remember that your child will stop crying a lot sooner than you think. Everything will be fine.

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